Thursday 10 October 2013

REVIEW : 3CE Lip Pigment

Price - USD13.21
Where to buy - Stylenanda
Size - 11g

So, what exactly is a lip pigment? We went over to 3CE's website with the same question in mind. Of course, everyone was raving about it, and you would feel left out if you did not know 3CE's lip pigment ! It is of course for your lips, and its like some sort of a lip colour. When we first received this, it really reminded of those watercolour days back in school, those in tubes. This kind of works and the texture of it is the same way too.

Why should you buy this? Firstly, it is just so fun to mix and match your colours instead of having the same boring ones. What we really like was, how we could easily mix the colours to get a certain shade we wanted. Example, you are looking for a soft pink lipstick colour. Truth be told how many pink lipsticks do you have to buy on an average before you hit the right colour? Some of us even lived with a substitute colour that is closest to the shade we want and just settle with it. With 3CE's lip pigment tho, they even have it in white and 6 other colours for you to play mix with (above photo). On the official website they even have a list of mixes you can try, and it is as attached below !

Now, you know it is fun, but as a lip colour, how is it? Surprisingly, it stays on pretty long. You can go half a day easily barely having to touch up if you choose the lighter colours. It does not sit too heavily on your lips as well. For this product, you would not have to apply too much of your lip balm as it does not dry out and crack your lips. And also, the colour is pretty much the same with and without flash, as also maybe because we tried this out in #Issue and #Electro Pink. You can check out the colour as below for #Electro Pink.

For the next interesting part, yes this is made for your lips. But easily, you could apply it on your eyelids, it will act as an eyeshadow and even blusher. Use it on your face wherever and whenever you want. Some of the examples of usage of it other than on your lips is as below.

Our problem was after application when we had to clean the mess. Our advice is, instead using the back of your hand to mix, use smtg else that can act as your palette. Maybe a bottle cap, or a container cover, you get what we mean. Also you have to keep cleaning your brush or it will get sticky and harden. There might be instances when you press out too much product and end up wasting too, so the trick is to always be careful when pressing the cream out, however with time, you will learn the exact amount you need.

Bottom line is, this is pretty fun other than the mess later on. Not bad at all, an "A" for creativity !

Rating - 3.5/5

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! is it hard to remove when you apply it to your lips? Thank you for this Review!
