Thursday 13 February 2014

REVIEW : Darlie Expert White Toothpaste

Price - N/A
Where to buy - Pharmacies and Hypermarkets
Size - 120g

Just so you know, if you have not realised we have been trying out a bunch of toothpastes and we will be reviewing all of them for you guys.  Growing up, most of us used only Colgate. Even using the term "Colgate" to substitute "toothpaste". It was hard to accept any other and especially Darlie which once we tried it in gel form. Some of us really did not like that and it smelled funny. You will also be surprised probably when we say now that we really appreciate the packaging. It has a big flat top which means it can stand on its own. We think it is much more convenient that way. The ingredients can be found in the photo below.

We are glad to say this particular one, has changed our minds. It smelled more normal to us. But something that we agreed upon was how fresh it feels after every brush. It is refreshing enough yet not so minty, which some of us here really dislike. We cannot seem to place a finger on what it is but it just feels really clean. We first saw the effects at earliest, the second to third week. But the whitening will not be the obvious kind especially to anyone else but yourself. You might even look past through it. We have so far tried this out for about a month now and are pretty satisfied with the results.

It is sad to say that our journey of discovery for whiter teeth has not come to an end yet but this one has been the best out of the previous ones. So for now, we can only recommend this one but the results have been a little slow on our side. So does it whiten your teeth? It does surely but slowly. You could try it out for yourselves and share with us your experience in the comments. Also if there are any toothpastes you would like us to try it out and review for you, feel free to comment below as well.

Verdict - This will have to do. It works but is a little slow.

Rating - 3/5

1 comment:

  1. I want to have whiter teeth too, I've tried so many whitening effect toothpaste and none of them worked. Thanks for reviewing this product, might want to give it a shot.

