Monday 14 October 2013

REVIEW - 3CE One Color Shadow (Luster)

Price - USD12.11
Where to buy - stylenanda

To start, 3CE has 4 ranges of powder eyeshadows; Matte, Sparkling, Luster and Shimmer. As their name suggests, each of their range differ in terms of their effect. We could all probably tell the "Matte" apart from the rest but how to the rest differ? Well, the way we see it, the difference is in the shimmer content which makes whichever more reflective to light. In order of most shimmering, "Sparkling", "Luster" then only comes "Shimmer". As you probably could not see in the close up below, but we still attached the photos with flash and without.

We got ourselves two colours from their "Luster" range, colours #Mercury and #Chocolate Factory. The reason why we got these two colours would be probably these suit our skin shades better. We are really often jealous of those with fairer skin who can literally just pull off any colour. Therefore we settled with a chocolaty brown and dark sea blue as seen on the website. Which we hoped what we saw on the website will be of the same colour when on our skin as well.

Delivery was pretty fast this time, it took about a little over a week. The packaging was like any usual eyeshadow but this came in a bigger diameter of about 4.5cm but having just dropped it, it cracked easily as we realised it is quite a thin layer. Both colours look real shimmery on the surface, we would only imagine how the "Sparkling" line will turn out to look like. The colours that came out were actually not so much of it. Below we have attached the swatches, with flash and without flash as below.

We actually put on about 2 layers for each, for the colours you see in the photo above. What we realise from both colours is they both came out differently. #Chocolate Factory was more pigmented and it came off the same colour as how it was on the pan. Whereas for #Mercury, especially when you use the tip of your finger for application, you fingertip is where most of the blue is even after you have applied onto your eyelids. Therefore the colour will come out sort of metal-ish on your eyelids. We suspect this had to do with more of the shimmer that was blue.

One point we did not like about it was, because of its powdery nature, when we picked the product up with out brush and onto our eyes, little of it will fall instead to bottom lids. We understand most eyeshadows are as such and there are ways to have less of that occurring but we just felt this particular eyeshadow was more powdery than the rest we have tried.

Rating - 3/5

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