Friday 8 November 2013


How was our month of 3CE treating you? We have a few more of their products coming soon to review for you, so for all you 3CE fans, stay tuned over the next month or two. Don't just put your orders in yet ! :)

Before we start on the new month, happy November :) ! Here's a list of do's and don'ts to warm up the beginning of the new month.

#1 Scrub your face.

Do not over-scrub your face. Many of us actually think the longer you scrub, the cleaner your skin gets, because the more it cleans. WRONG. Never scrub over the time written on the directions, and you do not want to harm your skin even more, because scrubbing is harsh to the skin. Be gentle to your skin, or it will not obey you ! Do not scrub daily too, unless allowed according to the directions stated on the packaging. You do not want to stress your skin.

#2 Face masks

Just as #1 on our list, do not leave your masks on for more than the recommended period of time. Yes, your skin is supposed to absorb the essence and goodness of the mask as you leave it on, and you might think the longer you have it on, the more your skin will be able to absorb and the more worth your money paid, but again, WRONG. Leaving your skin to absorb all the essence after some time would mean it is leaving your pores open for a longer period of time, thus, here comes homeless bacteria !

#3 Beauty is from within

There is no use piling up concealers and foundation if you are only going to suffocate your skin. Instead of covering up, learn to mend your skin. Learn to take care of it below all the layers. The more you pile, the least your skin is able to breathe, and this causes your skin to start to rebel against your efforts. Avoid having heavy make up all the time, and soon enough you might not even need to waste extra $$ on foundations and what nots to cover up.

#4 Your skin is what you eat

Some people are naturally blessed with good skin, and many others, the less blessed give up and just prefer covering up their flaws. What you don't realise is your skin reacts to what you eat. Watch your diet, avoid dairy when you have acne, drink lots of water to cool down your skin, eat plenty of fruits and berries as they are the anti-oxidants that will fight for your skin. And if there you are wanting to have it all, good skin and a thinner figure but you cant seem to achieve both, look into your diet. If you are dieting it down to only an apple a day, it is obvious your skin is not getting enough nourishment either, eat healthy, eat for your skin.

#5 The price you pay is the skin you get

Everyone has different types of skin, they react to different type of products. Do not, never buy based on price. An example, Brand X that is sold in drugstores nationwide may work wonders and is far better than Brand Y that is sold exclusively only in departmental stores. Research and read the ingredients, learn the sensitivity of your skin and look up what is best for it, buy according to ingredient or reviews, not by price, or ever get fooled into sales gimmicks.

#6 Skin represents wellbeing

To a certain extent other than hereditary reasons, it is mostly true. You can't expect to give only the best to your skin, treat it well to facials and masks, and even all sorts of things such as steroids or injections just to keep the beauty of your skin, to keep it glowing and clear. You need to eat right, you need to rest, you need to sleep. You need to stop worrying and deepening your wrinkle lines, you need to think happy thoughts. Otherwise it is just like keeping your skin alive on a respirator machine, which can also be very expensive. Think twice the next time you skip a meal, or decide to skip some rest time or sleep.

Till, our next review, we hope to see all of you again soon ! 
Macher Daily x.

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